Reflections of a Mom's Life

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

sleepovers at school...

Can I just tell you how excited my Harrison is to go to school. I couldn't be happier. He is thrilled to get ready and go and can't wait to tell us everything that's happened each day...what every parent hopes for!! I'll take all of this for as long as it lasts...if he's anything like his mom it could fade...but he is exhibiting a few traits from his Aunt Janet who LOVED school, couldn't wait to get there, got her homework done in the car on the way home, etc...
So to the real story of my post. Monday was his first day of school with ALL of his classmates. Because it is a full day Kindergarten program, they have a rest time during the day. I asked him when he got home what was his favorite thing that happened at school and he said...
"I just love having sleepovers at school, it is so much fun."
What a cutie pie! I asked him today if that is what his teacher calls it and he said no, she calls it rest time. What a positive little thinker! He just loves having a sleepover at school everyday with his new classmates! SO CUTE!!


Katy said...

I'm so glad that he is loving it too - and what a positive outlook he has!!! What a blessing!

Vonda said...

Ya know I don't remember being so excited about nap time when I was Harrison's age. I am so tickled he is enjoying school so much! Love, -V

dandsratz said...

What a precious little man!! And may he have a GREAT "Sleep Over" in his own bed tonight! That's when you know they are still little, ya know...when their little bodies just tire out! SOOOO cute!!! :)

Linda Williams said...

When a lot of kids would be complaining about even laying down their heads......My little man is considering it a fun thing like a sleep over!

Does Mimi sound tickled!


Mimi and Papa

Anonymous said...

It is awesome to hear the way Harrison describes nap time! He is a very POSSITIVE young man! First impressions are so important! It looks SCHOOL will be something Harrison realizes is a GOOD THING!
Yea! Mom