Reflections of a Mom's Life

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I've been tagged!

I've been tagged to write 8 random things about myself from my friend Natalie here in Raleigh! Here I go...
  1. Yesterday, Harrison came home and told us that this week his job at school is to make sure the light is off when they leave the classroom. As he was telling me this, I started to think back about jobs I had in elementary school and which ones were my favorite. My favorite "job" to be given in school was to take the erasers outside and bang them on the sidewalk to clean them out.
  2. I've worn hard contact lenses since I was in 6th grade. Tried soft contacts about a year and a half ago but it just didn't work out. Guess I'll be wearing them until I can afford LASIK!
  3. I've always loved Pierce Brosnan...he's my TV Boyfriend. My favorite show to watch in high school was Remington Steele!
  4. I am deathly afraid of Sharks! I watched Jaws when I was way too young and dreamed of sharks living in my water bed. Yes, I had a water bed. Still, to this day, I can't go in the ocean without thinking about sharks and giving myself a pep talk about the ridiculousness of worrying about them.
  5. When I was four (at least you were thirteen Natalie!) my mom gave me a perm. I looked like I had a fro! A few years back, I was looking at some pictures of myself in the beauty chair with the perm curlers on my head. I asked my mom why she gave me a perm at 4??? She said it was because I said I wanted one! I was FOUR!!! She should have just said no! :) I looked ridiculous!!!
  6. I've always wanted to go to Montana. I just think it's beautiful. Maybe one day!
  7. I didn't like my name when I was growing up. I always wished it was Elizabeth Anne (with an E) or Bethany, or something more than just "Beth". Now, I love my name. I don't meet many Beth's and most of them aren't really "Beth", it's an abbreviation of their full name. :)
  8. I've ALWAYS wanted to be a stay-at-home mom. When I was growing up, I loved playing house. I dreamed of getting married and having children and having my own family! It was hard for me to imagine myself doing anything else. I've been blessed with all the things I've ever wanted and I'm SO happy!!! :)
Now I'm going to tag Katy Schrodt, Heather Judd, Katie Brou, Vonda, Bridge you've already been tagged by Nat, Amanda Oliver, Caitlin Lieder, & Jessica Jackson. I would tag you ALL but I wanted to leave some other people for you guys to have a chance to tag! Can't wait to check back and read some things about you all that I wouldn't have otherwise known! Love to you all! Beth


Katy said...

oh no - this is going to take a while....

Jen said...

Right with you on #8. I can't imagine any other life than this one. I feel blessed too!

Vonda said...

Okay Beth, are you "blog harrassing" again??? :) I know Katy and Jessica know exactly what I mean. :) Give me about a week and I'll post something...oh not quick enough for ya huh??? Okay maybe a couple of days. Love ya -V

Amanda said...

I kind of was worried that it would take forever to think of 8 things, but once I got going it was kind of fun! I feel like I know you better too! Amanda

Anonymous said...

i didn't know alot of those things about you. i can totally see you and those fear of sharks thing, that wasn't too far off from the beth I know.

love ya,

Adam and Natalie said...

I laughed out loud about the perm! That is hilarious. The story about banging the erasers out is funny too. Just the mental image of you wanting to do that job so badly. :)

Heather said...

Beth-I love these things...Ive learned so much about you. Glad to know Im not the only chicken when it comes to sharks! =)

Phil, Gretch, and Finn said...

This was great. i wore hard contact for about 2 weeks before my eyes couldn't take it anymore! i also love the eraser story. I laughed out loud on that one.


Jessica said...

Ok. I'm done. I thought it was going to be a lot harder than it was. It ended up being a lot of fun!