Reflections of a Mom's Life

Friday, October 16, 2009

the "Mullenator"

Tom & Grace and The Mullen's own a boat and we were able to go out on it with them Labor Day Weekend. It has never worked out during a visit in the past so we were VERY excited to get this chance! We rode down to Waterside and had dinner at Outback, walked around a bit, and then came back home. Doesn't that sound like fun??? :)

The boys had a blast and Grace even gave all the girls baths and had them in their jammies before we got home! Hilarious! We had a BLAST!


Sheila said...

What a cool thing for the kids to get to do.... Your children have so many amazing experiences to be so young. Keep filling their lives with family, friends and adventure!
Love, Mom

Katy said...

wait a second - was this the boat that SUNK????

Linda Williams said...

What a wonderful experience for both of you girls! I know you must have had a great time!

Mimi and Papa

Vonda said...

What fun!