Back in February, we visited my Mommom. It has almost been a year and we just can't let our visits get that spread apart. It's too much fun at Mommom's house! We did a little shopping, Anthony and Harrison were able to take in a UT Men's Basketball Game, went to her church, watched the Superbowl, and just spent lots of time sitting, relaxing, and stuffing our faces.
Can it get much better than that??? :)
Really can't thank the Lord enough for the blessing of my children being able to know both of their great-grandmothers as well as they do. I don't take for granted my grandmothers. They are so special to me and I love them dearly. I am thankful for every moment we are able to spend together. I realize more and more how few people have their grandparents still living much less get to see them as often as I do.
looks like we are both blogging fools tonight. the coupon mom (this has nothing to do with you post) was on the 700 club... good interview. you could probably view the interview online.
our girls are almost two can you believe it?
I heart that gal. She still looks great!
Yes, enjoy your grandmother while you have them every time you get the chance. I am reminded of how time takes it's toll on our elderly while we are here in Greenville visiting the children's other Great Grandmother Louise. We get glimpes of the real "Mama Lou" quite often but sometimes we realize that she is not always connecting with us. She always cries when we go and ALWAYS ask about her "little boys". I am not sure she can remember always about the girls....I guess it must be because the boys were already in her life before the dementia set in.
Precious! I know MomMom enjoys your visits to the fullest! LOVE the last picture and Addison's curls are adorable!
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