look how much Addison LOVES the beach!!

we had her set up just right! no sun was getting on this new baby skin! :)

the kids had SO much fun and the bay is so calm that they can play and we don't have to worry!

beth & katy

callie was so cute!

carter sure enjoyed the beach too!

checking out the dead jellyfish. after it sat there for a few minutes they did what all boys do, started poking holes in it and eventually it was completely cut in half. :)

sweet callie!

jacob's mini pine cone

i could not get one picture of josiah looking my way. he knew i wanted his picture i guess and just wasn't in the mood!

all the boys collected shells for the longest time.

fast asleep with the sound of the ocean and a cool breeze! pure heaven!

we saw a lot of jackson's bum that day!

working together

i had to get picture of katy and i with all of our stuff. i actually feel like we did pretty good packing "light" for 7 kids!

harrison helped keep callie on course. she was checking everything out! :)
katy and i headed to the beach on thursday morning, july 24th, with 7 kids. one might think disaster was in our future but it was the most wonderful time! the weather was cool and breezy and the kids just had the most fun. it is a lot of work to get to the beach but once you are there it's just lots of fun and relaxing. it was a great time of catching up for katy and i and what kid doesn't love the beach??? they had a blast!!! it truly was the most perfect day! :)