(Josiah took this picture for us. Not bad. Except for the fact we were hot and sweaty we don't look half bad. :) )
Last Weekend (Oct. 9-12, 2008) was a big weekend for me! FIRST, on Thursday afternoon, I was able to run with Katy for the first time! It was Katy's last run before her race on Sunday so it was supposed to be easy! Ha! Good thing! I'm so new at this, it was probably more like a piece of cake to her! It was so fun to run together. I was SO nervous when I drove up to the YMCA. I had butterflies! You may think that is silly but I had been working at this for almost 10 weeks and had started from nothing. I was so afraid I woudn't be able to do it! She pushed me and I ran my first 1 1/2 mile stretch then walked for a few minutes and ran the rest back to the YMCA. Boy I wanted to stop, it was SO hard. She kept talking and I kept looking at the red roof praying I could just keep picking up my feet. It was the first time I had done 3 miles in distance so it was hard but good for me to see I could do it! She said to me while we were running, "I bet you never imagined a year ago that we would be running together!" and I didn't! Isn't that crazy???
On Sunday, I met her at 6:10am to pick her up and drive her to the race. I was SO nervous I would be late. I didn't want to mess her up or stress her out for her big day! I set two alarms, hardly slept the night (woke up in a panic at 12:40am thinking I had overslept!), and left 15 min. early, just in case! It worked out ok, I was able to feed Addison at her house. I had planned to feed her at the race but this just worked out so much better.
Here she is ready to go! Addison is probably wondering what in the world she is doing up. She sleeps until 8 or later every morning.On Sunday, I met her at 6:10am to pick her up and drive her to the race. I was SO nervous I would be late. I didn't want to mess her up or stress her out for her big day! I set two alarms, hardly slept the night (woke up in a panic at 12:40am thinking I had overslept!), and left 15 min. early, just in case! It worked out ok, I was able to feed Addison at her house. I had planned to feed her at the race but this just worked out so much better.
The port-o-potty stop. I guess that's a really big deal at a race! :) Here we are, me ready to cheer on my friend! I was so proud to be there. I had never been to a race before so it was great to see how it works and dream about the possibility of doing this someday...maybe!
one of the biggest stresses for me was worrying about getting a picture when she ran by! you only get one shot and I missed a few times! :)
see...here she is barely in the picture. oh, i'll catch her in the next one. nope. got nobody! :)
here i missed her friend Stephanie, you can see her legs behind the woman in the black cover up. and this random guy is my practicing. after i missed a few times, i thought i better get to a really good spot and practice to make sure i get her as she approaches the finish line. that's kind of an important part of the race! :)
here she comes! as she was passing I was SO proud! she was clearly ready to be finished but she did SO AWESOME! yeah Katy!!!there she goes, almost there! and here she is, with her medal. she has completed her second 1/2 marathon! WOW!!! she finished in 2hrs 39seconds! whooowhooo!!!
it was breezy and chilly for us spectators so I had Addison all bundled up in her adorable bunny hat! is she cute or what??? she loved her first race, slept through most of it. :) here are Katy and Stephanie checking their times!
I think she is telling David that she beat his time for his 1st 1/2 marathon. He was it little bummed I think while being very proud of his girl! I think they may end up have a little competition going on.... :)
After the race, David and Anthony brought the kids up to eat and play. It was a fun time and we were SO proud of Katy! I'm so happy I was able to be there to cheer for her! I loved every minute of it!
Okay, you're free to post! I'm up to speed now! :)
Oh Beth, it was SO fun! You were a fabulous cheerleader! (I know you were stressed out - after all, Kelli was the first cheerleader for Race #1, and if there is a SERIOUS cheerleader in the world, it's her!) You did GREAT!!! I totally couldn't have done it without you - seriously! I remember calling Kelli the day before David's race and telling her how much more nervous I was to be WATCHING him. It's a lot of pressure isn't it? You were awesome though. And STOP saying maybe this will be you - I think you've definitely got the BUG!!! :) I can't WAIT to be your cheerleader!
You are such a good friend! Can't wait to see the post when YOU have finished your first half marathon!!!!
I'm sure you were great encouragement for Katy, and it sounds like she is doing the same for you! :o)
By the way...LOVE the cute bunny picture of Addison! :o)
Beth, so glad you were able to go and cheer Katy on...I know you will be doing 1/2 marathon in no time. Katy is so blessed to have a friend like you girl...I mean getting up so early to go out there with sweet Addison...now girl that is dedication!!!
What a wonderful day you must have had with your bestest friend! Wow....2 hrs....Makes me SOOOOOOO tired!
Mimi and Papa
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